Saturday, 27 June 2009


Hi my beloveable fans and others,
I am Mr. Radha Krishna Neupane from sanischare camp Morang Nepal(Pathari).I am the son of Mr. Durga Prasad Neupane and Mrs. Kaushila Neupane.Although I am unknown about the condition and situation of Bhutan,I am born in the Gyelegphu district of the Bhutan and i am born on 21/6/1991.I have one brother and three sister among which one sister has been married in Beldangi.Although i donot know the condition and situation of Bhutan,I can proudly say that i am the citizens of Bhutana and i have remain in a camp for 19 years with the poor situation and undefinate future.I,My family and all the Bhutanese refugee are walking on the large road with the nice aim and the ambition but no any destination,In the middle of our road,the third country agencies and the UNHCR had shown us a small street with the reachable destination,so I,My family and all the Bhutanese refugee are compelled to chhose this option.As we are walking blindly and our future is indefinate,we have got the definate way for definate destination.I on the behalf of all Bhutanese Refugee would like to give thanks to all the third country agencies and UNHCR for showing us the definate way with the bright future.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

My views towards the third country settlement and mother land"

We all Bhutanese refugee had choose the third country settlement option not by willing but thinking of the bright future and our undefinate life we are compelled to choose thsi option,but by following the third country settlement option we should not forgot our homeland or mother land (Bhutan) and i and our family also havent forgot the homeland and never we can forgot it,either we can support the leader who leads the bhutanese refugee for 19 years in the camp.I on the behalf of all the bhutanese refugee would like to give thanks to the bhutanese leaders who leads us and struggle for the bhutanese refugee for their repartation.